My journey…

Yoga became known to me in my early teens, watching my dad practice his asana routine – every morning prior to work.  His self-discipline was my inspiration.  My interest further deepened at the age of 18, whilst attending regular classes back home in Spain (Málaga) with Simon Guido Purtschert, who taught Hatha Yoga for free and would organize annual trips to a Yoga and Musical festival in Rishikesh (India).  The Akhanda Yoga Institute, one of the many ashrams tucked in the foothills of the Himalayas, is where I carried out my first Teacher Training, in 2012.

Without embarking on a teaching path right away, I embraced other aspects that were part of my life (health, family, career).  Nonetheless, Yoga’s philosophy was/is still intertwined in my existence.  Over the years, I completed additional training and continued to attend classes in India and the UK.  Overwhelmed with the multiplicity of yoga styles, I came to realize that their patterns were similar – we use the physical body to unlock to the different layers of the subtle body, to eventually reach a blissful state.

Understanding the architecture of Yoga takes takes a lifetime, but is well worth the ride.  Our physical practice (asanas), fuelled by the breath/life force energy (prana or chi), will certainly improve our mobility, tone our muscles, nourish our connective tissues and joints; however, these alone won’t connect us to our true self.

The foundation of my teaching springs from Hatha Yoga, often combined with a Vinyasa flow.  Having undertaken a training in Yin Yoga, I have been drawn to it due to the emphasis on its functional approach and an interest in the Taoist concepts of yin and yang

Yoga has been and continues to be an invaluable tool in my journey and one that I am passionate about sharing with others.

Training & Certifications