We spend much of our time in our mind, bouncing from one thought to another that we forget to ‘be’ in the physical body, in other words, we forget to ‘be present’. The core of Yoga is being present to the moment.
This monkey chatter mind, which is part of our individual nature, can be exhausting, but can also be tamed, with time and practice!
Yoga can help release the unsatisfied mind from this constant ‘chitta vritti‘.
This week got me thinking about my investment on the different energy layers, commonly referred to as the ‘koshas‘. Remind yourself about the importance of creating time to create space for things that ‘energize’ you. This will gradually allow you to witness signs of healing:
more observing/less judging, more responding/less reacting, more self-love/less self-sabotage, more boundaries/less resentments, more inner peace/less outer chaos, more clarity/less confusion, more being/less doing, more faith/less fear.
Energy is your currency – valuable and non-refundable. Spend it appropriately, invest in it wisely.